Symptoms Of Menopause

Symptoms Of Menopause

There are many milestones to look forward to in life — menopause isn’t usually one of them. The change of hormone levels in the body can create a variety of symptoms in women. There are ways to cope with and treat these symptoms, though.

Rocky Mountain Hormone and Weight Loss Clinic in the Denver Metro area offers a variety of hormone replacement therapy options to help women adjust to the changes associated with menopause. Learn more about the symptoms and changes your body goes through, and contact us today to schedule an appointment if you believe you’re going through menopause.

Changes in the Menstrual Cycle

Perhaps the most obvious sign that menopause has started is a change in your menstrual cycle. You may experience irregular menstrual flow that can be shorter or longer.

These changes are normal, but make an appointment with your doctor if you experience:

  • Extremely short menstrual cycles
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Spotting
  • Menstruation that lasts longer than a week
  • Menstruation that occurs after not bleeding for over a year

There usually isn’t anything to worry about, but it’s a good idea to talk to a medical professional to make sure there isn’t a problem.

Hot Flashes

Symptoms of hot flashes include a sudden feeling of heat on your upper body. Your face and neck may become flushed, and you may notice red blotches on your chest, back, and arms. It is common to sweat heavily or experience cold shivers during a hot flash.

These episodes can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes, and they can occur several times an hour, a few times a day, or once or twice a week.

Hot flashes are associated with a change in estrogen levels in the body. Hormone replacement therapy helps regulate these hormones in a natural way and may be a great option for women who experience hot flashes regularly.

Mood Changes

A change in hormone levels can also cause changes in your mood. You’re likely to feel more irritable, tired, or even depressed because of this fluctuation in hormones.

This fluctuation can also cause a drop in libido. However, some women experience a spike in their libido after menopause.

Hormone replacement therapy can help women going through menopause regulate their mood so that they feel happier and are more interested in sexual intercourse.

Urinary And Vaginal Changes

A change in hormone levels can cause the vaginal canal to become drier. This can make sexual intercourse painful, as well as increase your chances of a bladder or vaginal infection.

Some women also experience incontinence. They may feel the need to urinate more frequently or they may experience urine leakage while exercising, sneezing, coughing, or laughing.


Another symptom of menopause could be an increased feeling of restlessness and trouble getting to sleep at night. You may not be able to fall asleep very easily or you might wake up too early. If you wake up during the night, you may have trouble falling back asleep.

Another factor that can interfere with sleep is night sweats. Because of an increase in hot flashes, some women may wake up more often. There are a few different hormone replacement therapy treatments available for this, including B12 injections and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

Weight Changes

Many women also experience a fluctuation in weight and a change in body composition while going through menopause. You could experience a loss in muscle mass and an increase in fat — especially around your abdomen.

Additional changes in the body include thinning of the skin as your body slows its rate of cell production, as well as memory problems. These are all associated with a change in hormone levels in your body.

Aches And Pains

Other symptoms of menopause include stiff, achy joints and muscles; headaches; heart palpitations; and other bodily aches and pains. Again, these symptoms are associated with a fluctuation in hormone levels.


Rocky Mountain Hormone and Weight Loss Clinic in the Denver Metro area offers a variety of hormone replacement therapy treatments that are customized to the needs of each patient. Some women react well to vitamin B12 injections, while others experience an improvement in their overall health with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

If you’re going through menopause and experience any of these symptoms, reach out to us today to schedule a consultation.

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